Financial Reflection for the New Year

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Episode Summary:

Happy, happy new year. It was a nice break that we took, but I am so excited to get back to the podcast! I'm having a ton of fun doing these episodes and getting input from you all. This year, we'll be adding some special guests on the show I'm really excited about. But as we step into this new fresh chapter, the new year is always full of possibilities, opportunities, and a chance for us to embrace new beginnings with a lot of optimism and hope which I love. Whether you're setting ambitious goals, seeking personal growth, or just looking to find joy in everyday moments, the new year really brings us this blank canvas for everything that we're looking forward to. So I want to embark on this journey together and carry forward from lessons that we learned last year in 2023 and all the resilience that we gained from the past year. So cheers to a year filled with lots of love, lots of happiness and financial success!


  • Why it’s important to reflect on lessons learned, wins, and challenges from the previous year before goal setting in the New Year.
  • Cultivating gratitude for everything that you went through last year financially (good and bad) and the power of writing it down and reflecting on this
  • Remembering that financial setbacks don’t define your financial journey
    Reflection questions and activities that you can partake in with your loved ones and why we need to recognize our financial fears
  • Creating a strong emotional connection to your goals to create more long term success and the reminder of what a S.M.A.R.T. goal is



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