Empowered Planning Blog

Policies, Not Politics: Credit Card Debt

Feb 24, 2020

As we gear up for the 2020 Presidential Election, we'll see an increase in scary headlines about "What If..." scenarios depending on who could take office. This is a difficult time to know when to throw on those "Old School" earmuffs and when to take action.

There's not enough clear evidence that suggests that a Republican or Democratic President is good or bad for the U.S. Equity Markets. So what we can focus on are topics that are important to us rather than all the noise that we are inundated with way too frequently.

Credit card debt is far too common. Juggling debt along with financial goals we set for ourselves can be overwhelming. Check out this article from CNBC, it outlines actions some presidential candidates are advocating for when it comes to credit card debt!


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Creating a Lifestyle: 5 Reasons You Should Have A Budget

Feb 10, 2020

Know The Numbers!


Taking stock of your life, evaluating where you stand today is a great way to improve your health, attitude, and confidence. This is no different when it comes to personal finance. Knowing how much you routinely spend will provide clarity on what steps you can take to optimize your income and reach your financial goals. During my years working as a financial planner one of the first things I would do with my clients was a budgeting exercise. While I believe this is a crucial first step to creating a financial plan, people tend to squirm when they hear the word budget. But why? The short version, people think budgets are Restrictive. Boring. Uncomfortable. Most people don’t like the limits they feel when placed on a budget. Others can think of 100 things they’d rather be doing and for some, it unlocks sensitive relationships they have to money. You may fit into one of those categories or maybe you’ve tried budgeting in the past...

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What Is Financial Wellness & Why You Should Care

Dec 12, 2019

As a society, we continue to gravitate towards the holistic practice of wellness. We are not content with simply the absence of illness but instead, we are searching for the state of optimal physical, mental and spiritual health. These days I would be hard-pressed to find a city with a ‘main street’ or downtown that didn’t offer a variety of juice bars, yoga studios and farm to table restaurants. Additionally, the self-help arena continues to grow exponentially as we search for our purpose in this life and try to cultivate balance in our daily routines.  When we think about spiritual health, our desires can be misinterpreted as selfish distractions. Spiritual practices teach us that if we focus on what we want then we will be pulled away from the connection to our true self.  But as we continue to seek ways to improve ourselves and evolve we must introduce money, personal finance, into the conversation. Financial wellness isn’t about being...

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