Empowered Planning Blog

What the DINK Lifestyle is and Why More Couples Are Choosing It

May 07, 2024

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Episode Summary:

On today’s episode of the Empowered Planning Podcast, we're chatting about something that's really buzzing in online discussions lately—the DINK lifestyle, which stands for Dual Income, No Kids. This lifestyle choice is becoming more popular among modern couples who are all about maximizing their freedom and financial options. Throughout the episode, we will look into why delaying marriage or deciding against the high costs of parenting might make sense for some. Join us as we explore how choosing this path can affect personal satisfaction, career opportunities, and financial stability. Whether you’re a DINK enthusiast, considering it, or just curious, this episode has something for you. Let’s jump right in!


  • What drives the DINK lifestyle choice
  • The financial freedoms and flexibilities the DINK lifestyle offers
  • Current social and economic factors influencing the rise of DINKs
  • The...
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Creating a Space for Women in the Financial Industry with Ashley Sullivan

Mar 05, 2024

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Episode Summary:

Welcome back to The Empowered Planning Podcast. As we celebrate Women's History Month, I want to dive deeper into the world of women and money, and not just how we spend our money or how we invest our money, but also looking into the financial industry itself. I have a long time friend of mine, Ashley Sullivan on the show today. She's been advising clients since 2007 and spent about 13 years between Fidelity and Schwab as a financial advisor. One interesting thing that came up when Ashley and I were talking before we recorded the podcast was about her experience as a part of women’s collective for an organization that she worked for in San Diego and how she was trying to get more women a seat at the table so they could have these open conversations and dialogue about money . And at the time, the questions were often directed at how they were able to have a thriving career in finance as a working mom. What...

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Cultivating Effective Financial Communication with Your Partner

Feb 13, 2024

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Episode Summary:

It is Valentine's Day and in honor of this special love day, I want to dive into a crucial yet challenging aspect of any partnership: talking about money with your partner. Now money matters while essential, can be a source of tension in relationships. I'm sure at one point in another, you've felt that in yours (I have, too). The financial problems or money issues cause about 40% of divorces in the US. That is a large number and one that should not be ignored. So the goal today is to help you figure out how to navigate these waters with grace and understanding. I want to offer you strategies and insights for how to discuss financial issues without conflict, and whether it's budgeting or debt management or planning for your future, we're going to explore effective ways to communicate with your partner about your finances.


  • Tips for actually starting a conversation about money with your partner to avoid...
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Money Matters with Juliet Odhiambo

Jan 23, 2024

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Episode Summary:

Ever wonder why money feels like such a daunting, complicated topic? Wish someone could demystify it and make it more relatable? Well, you're in for a treat on this episode of The Empowered Planning Podcast. Join us as we dive into an enlightening conversation with Juliet Odhiambo, all the way from Kenya! Juliet is not your typical money expert. She's a money coach with a superpower that sets her apart – she humanizes the world of finance. In this episode, Juliet shares her journey from banking to becoming a financial educator and coach. She's not just about numbers; she's about helping people navigate the complex. If you're ready to make friends with your finances, gain some priceless clarity, and hear inspiring stories from the beautiful heart of Kenya, don't miss this episode!


  • Juliet's journey from finance graduate to community financial educator
  • The process Juliet uses to navigate financial...
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3 Tips For Staying On Track To Reaching Your 2021 Financial Goals

Mar 03, 2021

As we enter into March of 2021, are you on track to reach the financial goals you set for yourself this year? I’m here to hold you accountable and be your advocate for positive impact! The holiday buzz has long worn off and there was no easing into 2021. Setting annual financial goals is a moot exercise if you aren’t able to measure and track your progress, so let’s carve out a few minute and do it right now. Here are 3 tips for staying on track to hit your 2021 financial goals.

#1- Begin with the end in mind.

In Stephen Covey’s bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective, he challenges readers to image the end of their lives as a reference for evaluating everything else. I’m tasking you to take a bit-size piece of this and start with December 31st, 2021 with the end in mind. Picture yourself counting down to the New Year. What are you most proud of financially that you accomplished this year?

If you haven’t already set financial goals for this...

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